

The FACT Roadmap launched in 2021 identifies indicative actions in four key and related thematic areas.

Trade and Market

The Forest, Agriculture and Commodity Trade (FACT) Dialogue emphasizes the importance of  building an understanding of the common factors necessary for sustainable production. This involves examining approaches within the beef, cocoa, palm oil, and timber industries among FACT participating countries that are producing and consuming these commodities.

Smallholder Support

Smallholder farmers are central to the aims of the FACT Dialogue. Smallholders produce a significant proportion of many of the agricultural commodities at the center of FACT’s work. But smallholders frequently need scaled-up support to ensure they have fair access to new sustainable markets and that they can succeed in work that protects forests and other ecosystems while promoting sustainable trade and development.

Traceability and Transparency

The theme of Traceability and Transparency is critical to achieving the aims of the FACT Dialogue. In part, this is because systems and technologies that enable traceability and transparency of commodities provide the basis for certification schemes and assurance of origin. They also support efforts by national governments to apply and enforce laws that underpin: sustainable production; work by companies to ensure sustainable sourcing of commodities; and efforts by stakeholders and civil society to enhance accountability. They can also help to underpin investor confidence.

Research, Development
and Innovation

Work on Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) has continued under the leadership of Brazil and has focused on the participatory process concerning a theory of change (TOC) and preparation of a literature review concerning research partnerships.

Theory of Change Development

The RDI Theory of Change workshop took place in February 2023 with eighteen participants, including academic and research organizations nominated by FACT countries and representatives of the Government of Brazil. This process has resulted in a preliminary TOC diagram presented to countries during the FACT Retreat and is informing broader FACT strategic discussions. A central pillar to the TOC implementation concerns the establishment of an information-sharing platform, which has been the subject of further discussions across the dialogue. Work on implementation of the platform will continue during the next phase of the work between July to December 2023 and into 2024.

Literature review

A literature review was conducted during late 2022/2023 to support the work under the Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) thematic area, particularly as regards strengthening the capacity of national research institutions to undertake and lead research partnerships through North-South, South-South, and triangular cooperation. This effort sought to identify (among others) implementation arrangements,  hindering or promoting factors, and stand out examples of best practices with a view towards developing criteria for successful research partnerships.

Preliminary results from the literature review have  yielded the following findings:

  • In general, research partnerships have delivered beneficial outcomes and impacts to participating institutions and/or organizations.
  • Nevertheless, several common factors hinder the effectiveness of research partnerships. These include power asymmetries, inequitable relationships and unequal access to resources between researchers in the Global North and Global South,
  • Effective research partnerships likewise shared several best practices, which ensured the inclusion and meaningful engagement of Global South scholars throughout the research processes.

The literature review has been finalised and is available on the FACT website.